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And then he walked along the edge of the Circle

This is the place where we will post your stories about the Green's Playhouse, The Glasgow Apollo and Satelitte City (The Wee Apollo). As it develops we will break the stories up into sections such as Myths, Gigs I missed, Meeting the Bands, Where are they now etc. No story too trivial and we will only edit out bad language!

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It was called the Penthouse at one point-was it not?I went see Nick Heyward supported by The Suede Crocodiles-Great gig! [reply]
Hadn't heard it called the Penthouse before; it was Clouds for a while as well.  I am interviewing Tiger Tim about his time as the DJ there next week. [reply]
Satellite City, one of the best nights I had there was seeing Sham 69. Towards the end of the set some of the audience got on stage and a mate of mine got the mike from Jimmy Pursey and belted out "If Kids Are United". [reply]
CLOUDS was a brilliant gig...The 'DOWNTOWN FLYERS' and 'SALVATION' (later 'SLIK') were the big draws at Clouds. I remember seeing FOCUS there...the audience sat on the floor...guess that's what cool dude hippie types did at that time!!! When doing gigs there it was always bizarre to watch the guys walk round in circles for the whole night while the girls danced their wee feet off in the centre of the dance floor...but that also happened in discos around Ayrshire...but at CLOUDS you got a great view 'cause the stage was quite high. Frank Lynch owned the place and George Miller - he with the upsidedown head - (not Bob as someone mentioned earlier) was Billy Connolly's 'road manager'. Lorainne Logan worked at front of house...she was gorgeous. [reply]
I was Assistant Manager at the Apollo 1979-80
indeed the Penthouse was above.I used the (private) lift. I think I still have a lift and front door key somewhere. Many a late night and early morning. I used to have lots of stamina then.

Celebrated hogmanay with the old grey whistle test and Blondie. I saw some of every gig, but was usually too busy during the evening dealing with the box office and other stuff.
Hi David

Good to hear from you....we haven't managed to track down many of the Apollo's former employees.  Get in touch with us at scott@apollomemories*xx* we'd like to hear more about your time working at the Apollo.
Certainly was called The Penthouse at one stage. Saw 'The  ******ed Xmas Party' there in 1983 - Captain Sensibles' amp blew up and I thought the foor was going to cave in - imagine the drop to the stalls below!!! [reply]
I have some great memories of 'Clouds' disco....getting past the bouncers for a start..a nerve-racking experience when you were underage!!! Then going up in the lift...I remember that as being very small...but then maybe it wasnt! I remember the dancing 'round the handbags'...the constant stream of 'boys' walking round and round...the upstairs balconies..the sofas!! Tiger Tim..Midge Ure..slik! The Hustle..the Bump!!
And what seemed like an endless amount of stairs that you had to down at chucking out time!!
Does anyone remember getting evacuated??..they used to play the 'Grand ol' Duke of York' as a signal to the staff I presume..we had to line up in two's....and then marched down the stairs!!! These are just a few of the memories that came back to me after being on here...I'm sure there are a lot more but.. as I am now a 'grown up'..(and I use the term loosely!) the memory aint what it was!! ;)
Anyone remember the resident dj in the penthouse colin,once described in the discotec in the evening times as "the Alex Ferguson" of djs. He would play anything in return for a vodka 'n' orange. Became great friends with him even got me into a Iron Maiden gig once. Followed him to shuffles when penthouse closed where he used to let a wee boy called george bowie have a shot of the tables. Whatever became of him? [reply]
i remember seeing the fall there, must have been around 83 or 84. my only time there. [reply]
I'm sure I seen Steel Pulse in the Wee Apollo. Didnt realise it was called the Penthouse...thought that was all french flares and disco and tended not to gain entry to such establishments due to a rather dodgy mohican (the haircut that is...not a Native American drunken mate)Did the Police ever play the Wee Apollo? [reply]
Bill Miller who was Billy Connellys Road manager got us a gig in Clouds. We were a really loud, young outfit who were desperate. I remember the hoardsa of letchers walking round the floor non-stop. I also remember the girls who refused to dance with you once they were on the floor. The gig was amazing and the atmosphere never to be found anywhere else in the UK. Except maybe Flops in Carlise at that time. [reply]
About 83 to85 isaw in no particular order the  ******ed twice,spear of destiny,Uk Subs,Peter and test tube babies, the Alarm,Sham 69 tho that was earler,the bouncers used to take belts etc of of you and you never got them back and the climb up if you did not know about the lift was murder.
Dougie McCann
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